Зеленые железные наручи
Дополнительные условия для получения данного задания:- Ваша репутация с Ярмарка Новолуния должна быть меньше чем 1700
I'm working on a new costume, for when I have my own booth as the strongest woman alive! Right now I'm looking for some bracers I can wear. They can't cover much because people want to see my muscles, but I still want to flash a little color, you know?How about green iron bracers, <имя>? Can you make me green iron bracers? If you can, then I have a whole bunch of Darkmoon Faire tickets for you.
Зеленые железные наручи (3) |
Вы получите:Рваный призовой купон ярмарки Новолуния |
Yes! These are exactly what I need! Such a lovely color, and they still leave my arms bare so you can see how strong they are! Perfect!Here you are, <имя>. Here are your tickets - enjoy!
По завершению квеста, вы получите:- 5 Репутация с Ярмарка Новолуния