Автоматические ремонтные наборы
Дополнительные условия для получения данного задания:- Ваша репутация с Ярмарка Новолуния должна быть меньше чем 2500
The biggest reason I can't open up my booth is that... everything's broken! I need mechanical repair kits to fix all this stuff!Can you bring me those kits, <имя>? I'll trade you... kits for Darkmoon Faire tickets. What do you say?
Автоматический ремонтный набор (6) |
Вы получите:Рваный призовой купон ярмарки Новолуния |
Thank you! Now I can get to fixing things.It's going to take a lot of repair kits and a lot of late nights to get everything in working order. Sometimes I think it'd be better to get back to my roots and restart my career as a headhunter, but... the Faire has been good to me.
Take these tickets, <имя>, and have fun!
По завершению квеста, вы получите:- 5 Репутация с Ярмарка Новолуния